Titan Calgary Chiropractor Woodbine

Rotator Cuff Injury

Get complete relief from rotator cuff injury with our expert chiropractors

The rotator cuff is a major part of your shoulders that allows you to lift your arms freely. It consists of multiple tendons and muscles allowing your hands to reach upward. An injury in the rotator cuff is a common cause of shoulder pain among adults. It limits the range of motion, causes discomfort, and can lead to a long-term disability. If unattended, an injury in the rotator cuffs may worsen over time. 

At Titan Calgary Chiropractor Woodbine, we provide effective treatment for rotator cuff injuries. Read on to learn more about the condition and where to find rotator cuff injury treatment Calgary, AB. 

What is rotator cuff injury?

An injury or damage in the muscles, tendons, and soft tissues in your shoulder is called a rotator cuff injury. You may experience a dull ache deep within your shoulder. Also, it can cause pain, and weakness, and limit the range of motion. For some people, it may not cause pain but weakness in the arm and shoulder. If unattended, it may worsen over time and may lead to long-term disability, especially if the pain is caused by degenerative tears. 

Common symptoms of rotator cuff injury

The symptoms of rotator cuff injury depend on the cause of it. It may differ from person to person, and according to the severity of the disease.

There are two causes of rotator cuff injury. It may occur due to an accident, a fall, or while lifting a heavy object. Sometimes degenerative tears may lead to rotator cuff injury. This type of rotator cuff injury is common among older adults.

The common symptoms of rotator cuff injury include:   

Who is at risk of rotator cuff injuries?

Rotator cuff injury may occur for anyone, irrespective of gender or age. However certain factors increase the risk of rotator cuff injuries. It includes:

Treatment for rotator cuff injury

At Titan Calgary Chiropractor Woodbine, our team is here to help you. We understand the various causes of rotator cuff injury and suggest the best treatment for you. We have expert chiropractic practitioners with in-depth knowledge and experience in treating rotator cuff injuries. Depending on the cause of rotator cuff injuries and the severity of the pain and discomforts, we recommend the right course of treatment that provides you with complete relief. 

Our rotator cuff injury treatment Calgary, AB includes:

Ice therapy

Ice therapy is one of the effective methods to reduce swelling and pain caused by rotator cuff injuries. Applying cold on the affected area will lessen inflammation, reduce pain, and decrease swelling in the shoulders.

At our clinic, we suggest cold packs and ice therapy for lessening the pain and discomfort caused by rotator cuff injuries. We use cold laser treatments which will stimulate the healing of the tissues around the shoulders. It is a safe and effective way to get relief from muscle injuries. Cold laser treatment is the right option for you if you are looking for a non-invasive treatment for shoulder pain.

Physiotherapy and rehabilitation

Physiotherapy is another effective way to treat rotator cuff injuries. It reduces the strain on your shoulder, improves range of motion, increases muscle strength, and relieves pain. At our clinic, we will diagnose the underlying cause of the rotator cuff injury and help you understand whether physiotherapy can be the right solution for you. We will come up with a customized treatment plan which includes various methods for getting long-term relief. It may include ultrasonic waves, electrostimulation therapy, spinal manipulation, etc.

Spinal manipulation

As licensed chiropractic practitioners, we use spinal manipulation therapy to treat shoulder injuries. Our chiropractor will adjust your spine and remove any misalignments to get relief from shoulder pain. You may require repeated sessions for six to eight weeks to get complete relief from pain. 

Schedule an appointment today!

If you are suffering from pain and discomfort in your shoulders, talk to our highly qualified chiropractors today. Stay assured of safe and effective treatment and complete relief from shoulder pain.