Titan Calgary Chiropractor Woodbine

Whiplash Treatment Calgary, AB

Get excellent chiropractic care for whiplash treatment Calgary, AB

Whiplash occurs when there is a rapid back-and-forth movement on the neck. It is a strain on the back of the neck. It generally occurs during vehicle collisions. The intervertebral joints, discs, and ligaments, cervical muscles, or nerve roots may become damaged during a whiplash. The treatment for whiplash depends on the severity of the injury. In some people, the pain will settle down with over-the-counter medicines or home remedies. Others may need physical therapy or a specialized treatment plan. 

Chiropractic care is one of the best and safest ways to treat whiplash. Not only does it help to reduce pain, but also improves blood circulation and controls inflammation. Moreover, it helps to restore mobility. Depending on the condition, the chiropractor will perform joint manipulation techniques to provide effective pain relief. 

If you are suffering from whiplash and require expert chiropractors, we’re here to assist you. Titan Calgary Chiropractor Woodbine is a full-fledged chiropractic clinic providing treatment and care for various conditions related to the musculoskeletal system. We have licensed and well-trained chiropractors to provide safe and effective treatment for whiplash. We have helped hundreds of patients in getting complete relief from whiplash injuries.

Causes of whiplash

Whiplash can occur due to any physical activity in which your head moves backward and forward suddenly. For example, you may get whiplash due to sudden physical abuse or while you play certain sports. The three major causes of whiplash are:

Symptoms of whiplash

The major symptom of whiplash is a shooting pain in the neck which may extend to your shoulder and the head. People may experience other symptoms such as:

Treatment for whiplash

Here, at Titan Calgary Chiropractor Woodbine, we develop a personalized treatment care plan for whiplash. We consider your age, general health status, cause, and severity of the injury before developing the treatment plan. The treatment for whiplash may include: 

Spinal manipulation

Spinal manipulation is one of the effective treatments for getting rid of pain and discomfort related to whiplash. This chiropractic adjustment using gentle thrusting motions will help to restore proper alignment to joints in the neck and back. It will improve the range of motion and mobility as well. 

Muscle relaxation

The treatment for whiplash may include muscle relaxation techniques as well. Our trained therapists will teach you safe techniques that have been tightened up due to whiplash. We have expert therapists who will help you learn techniques that give minimal discomfort and quick relief from the pain and discomforts of whiplash. 

Heat or ice therapy

Heat therapy or ice therapy is used to get immediate relief from the severe pain of whiplash. Our therapist will apply hot compresses or a heating pad on the affected area safely and effectively to reduce pain. We may use ice packs as well for controlling inflammation and swelling caused due to whiplash accidents. 

In addition, our chiropractors may use soft tissue therapy, physical therapy exercises, spinal decompression, myofascial stretch therapy, etc. as well to give you proper relief from pain and discomforts. At our clinic, we focus on improving the overall health of the individual. 

Book an appointment today!

Book your appointment with our experienced chiropractors today. Stay assured of safe and effective treatment from us!